Self Assessment-II Part 2


151. Drug excreted by tubular excretion is:
A. Aminoglycosides
B. Penicillinv                                                                                                                          
C. Tetracyclin
D. Metronidazole

152.Most drugs are metabolized or eliminated from the body by first order kinetics, this implies that the amount of drug metabolized or eliminated changes with
A. The time and concentration of drug in the bloodv
B. Dependent on only time
C. Dependent only on the concentration of drug in blood
D. Amount of absorption

153.The difference between peak and trough concentrations is greatest when;
A.Drug is given at dosing intervals much longer than the half lifev
B.Drug is given at dosing intervals much smaller than the half life
C.Drug is given at dosing intervals same as half life
D.Not related to half life

154.Median lethal dose means (LD50)
A. The dose of drug that causes a defined therapeutic response in 50% of subjects
B. The dose that causes a defined toxic effect (e.g., headache, bleeding, nausea) in 50% of subjects
C. The dose that causes death in 50% of subjects (usually laboratory animals) v
D. The relative maximal response caused by a drug in a tissue preparation.

155.Which of the following is NOT a side effect of thiazide diuretics?
B Hypomagnesia,
E-Metabolic acidosis

156.Zero slope graph;
A.Parallel to x-axisv
B.Parallel to y-axis
C.Diagonal x- axis
D.Does not exist

157.A drug is completely metabolized in liver, if a patient has renal failure, what will be the effect:
A. Metabolite excreted
B. Metabolite accumulate in liverv
C. Metabolite reabsorbed
D. Metabolite cleared

158.Time to reach steady state Css depends only on;
A. Drug concentration
B. Drug bioavailability
C. Drug t1/2
D. Drug clearance

159.Cp = Co e-kt first order equation log Cp vs time give?
A. A straight line with negative slope
B. A straight line with positive slope
C. A curve
D. Zero slope

160.If t1/2 elimination a drug is 2 hours, what fraction of the original dose of the drug will remain in the body after 4 hours.
A. 50%
B. 25%v
C. 12%
D. 0%

A. The relative amount of drug that reaches the liver
B. The relative amount of drug that reaches the systemic circulationv
C. The relative amount of drug that reaches the kidneys
D. The relative amount of drug that excreted

162. Area under the curve (AUC)
A.Plot of Cp versus Time
B.The AUC value is very useful for calculating the relative efficiency of different drug products
C.Units for AUC are concentration x times. That is, or
D.All of the above are correctv

163. What is the first process occurs before a oral drug become available for absorption from tablet dosage form.
A.Ionization of the drug
B.Dissolution of the drug in the GI fluids
C.Dissolution of drug in the blood
D.Disintegration of tabletv

164. Determine the bioavailability value for a drug available as a 200 mg capsule with a calculated AUC of 40 mg/dL/h when 200 mg IV bolus of the same drug exhibits an AUC of 50 mg/dL/h
A. 1.6 mg/dL/h
B. 0.8 mg/dL/h
C. 0.4 mg/dL/h
D. 0.2 mg/dL/h
165. Which of the following route of administration frequently display differences in bioavailability;
A. i.v

166. Serving instead of someone or something else

167. Which of the following routes of administration is/are least likely to be influenced by the first pass effect;
I. Trans dermal
II. Inhalation
III. Oral
A. I only
B. III only
C. I and III only
D. I and II only
E.All of the above are correct

168. A drug has elimination half-life of 3 hours and its apparent volume of distribution is 200 mL/kg. What is the total body renal clearance of this drug in 70 kg in L/hours.
t1/2 =0.693 VdCL
A. CL = 3.2 L/hr
B. CL = 1.6 L/hr
C. CL = 2.6 L/hr
D. CL = 1.0 L/hr

169. Determine the half-life of furosemide if it appears to be eliminated from the body at a rate constant of 49% per hour.
t1/2 =0.693k
A. 1.4 hours
B. 1.5 hours
C. 1.6 hours
D. 1.7 hours

170. Volume of distribution (Vd):
I. mathematical relationship between the total amount of drug in the body and the concentration of drug in the blood.
II. Vd is greater for drugs that concentrate in tissues rather than in plasma
III. Vd is greater for drugs that concentrate in plasma rather than in tissue
A.I only
B.III only
C.I and II
D.II, and III
E.All of the above are correct

171. Plasma concentration:
A. Cp =D/Vd
B. Dose = (Cp)(Vd)
C. A and B are correct
D. Only A is correct

172. Correct statements pertaining to first-order elimination kinetics include:
I A constant amount of drug is eliminated per unit of time
II. Clearance will vary as blood concentrations change
III For drugs following this elimination pattern, doubling the rate of administration will yield a doubling of serum or plasma concentration at steady-state.
A-I only
B-III only
C- I and II only
D- II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

173. Correct statements pertaining to protein-binding include:
I-The degree to which a drug is protein-bound in plasma will affect its apparent volume of distribution.
II- Basic drugs are most likely to be bound to α1-acid glycoprotein
III- For highly protein-bound drugs, decreasing the extent of protein-binding in plasma will enhance the rate of glomerular filtration

A. I only B. III only C. I and II only D. II and III only E. All of the above are correct v

174. Who will determine the price of non prescription products

175. Which of the following is true if renal clearance is increased.
A. Glomerular filtration is increased. v
B. Increase in reabsorption
C. Decreased absorption
D. Higher plasma protein binding

176. In case a pharmacist misread a Tamoxifen prescription and filled it with Tambocor.

177. Decrease in elimination from body due to one of the following factor.
A. Increase in half life
B. Decrease in reabsorption
C. Increase in reasbsorption
D. Increase steady state (Css)

178. Correct statements about bioavailability include: I. Pertains to the rate and extent of drug absorption II For two dosage forms of a drug to be considered equally bioavailable, the measured AUC for each drug must be equal. III. For two dosage forms of a drug to be therapeutically equivalent they must be equally bioavailable.

A. I only B. III only C. I and II only D. II and III only E. All of the above are correctv

179. What is liquidity?
A.Measure’s a pharmacy’s ability to meet its current liabilities with little or no interruption in the regular conduct of business. v
B. Measure’s a pharmacy’s ability to meet its current liabilities with moderate change in the composition of current assets.
C. Measure’s a pharmacy’s ability to meet its current liabilities with current assets.
D. Measure’s a pharmacy’s ability to meet its current liabilities with interruption in the regular conduct of business.

180.Plateau principle:
I.The time to reach a given drug fraction of the steady state concentration is determined only by the elimination rate constant.
II. Css=QK x Vd
III. The time to reach a given drug fraction of the steady state concentration is determined only by the half life.

A.I only B. III only C.I and II onlyv D.II and III only E. All of the above are correct

181.Which of the following functional groups would NOT form a glucuronide conjugate?
II.Carboxylic acid
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

182. How many isomers can be possible for a molecule contain 2 chiral or stereogenic center  

183. The following drug reduces intestinal absorption of phosphate, that results in decrease of plasma phosphate concentration.

I.Magnesium trisilicate
II.Sodium bicarbonate
III.Aluminum hydroxide
A-I only
B-III only
C-I and II are correct
D-II and III are correct
E-All of the above are correct

184. 1-methyl cyclopentane and cyclohexane are
C.Constitutional isomersv

185. 2-Pentene has;
A. Constitutional isomers
B. Geometrical isomers (cis/trans) v
C. Enantiomers
D. Identical

187. 1-methyl cyclopentane is isomer of :
A.Cylcohexane v
D.1-methyl cyclohexane

188.  The following amino acid molecular structure contain indole ring:
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

189. Leukotriene play important role in numerous physiological functions. What enzyme responsible for the conversion of fatty acids to leukotriene.
B.Tryptophan hydroxylase
C-L-amino acid decarboxylase
E-Phospholipase A2

190. Procain and Procainamide structurally they are related:

191. Erythromycin estolate may produce which side effects:
B.Cholestatic jaundicev

192. Which of the following is NOT a phase I metabolic reaction;
A. Oxidation
B. Hydroxylation
C. Dealkylation
D. Deamination
E. Methylationv

193. Hydrolysis of nitrile (cyanide) gives when heated with aqueous acid or base;
A. Amines
B. Carboxylic acidsv
C. Alcohols
D. All of the above

194. What type of metabolism would primarily occur with the following compound?
A. Glucuronide conjugation v
B. Hydrolysis
C. Hydroxylation
D. Deamination

195. Which of the following is NOT the phase II metabolism
B.Glucuronide conjugation
D. Hydroxylation

196. What characteristic of an organic compound allows it to undergo conjugation with glutathione?
I. Electrophilic function groups
II. Aromatic carboxylic acids
III. Alcohols
A.I onlyv B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

197. What characteristic of an organic compound allows it to undergo amino acid conjugation?
A.Electrophilic functional groups  
B.Aromatic carboxylic acids

198.A compound that induces cytochrome CYP450 would:
A.Increase CYP450 protein content in the liver  
B.Decrease CYP450 protein content in the liver
C.Inhibit CYP450 activity by newly formed metabolites
D.None of the above

199.Which of the following Phase II reactions predominates in man?

200. Which of the following reactions is most likely to occur on a primary aromatic amine?
I. Methylation
III. Sulfation
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

201.The oxygen atom that is incorporated into a molecule upon oxidation by cytochromes CYP450 comes from what source?
B.Molecular Oxygen v
D.Acetylcoenzyme A
202. Which of the following is the isotonic or iso-osmotic solution of NaCl
A. 0.09% w/v
B. 0.9% w/v
C. 9% w/v
D. 0.009% w/v

203.A pharmacist prepared 1 gallong of KCl solution mixing 565 gram of KCl (valency =1) in appropriate vehicle. How many milliquivalents of K are in 15 ml of this solution? (MW = K 39, Cl 35.5)

204.The drugs used smoking cessation include
II. Zyban
III. Nicotine
A.I only B. III only C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

205.Which of following drug causes drug induced systemic lupus erythomatus

206. The pelvic girdle consists of two coxal bones which unite in the front with the symphysis pubis and in the back with the sacrum. The coxal bones are composed of the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. This described which body joints;

207.What is meant by intrathecal injection
A. Injection in between the spinev
B. Injection underneath the tongue
C. Injection on thigh
D. Injection on bun

208.Which causes hypercalcemia
D.Ethacrynic acid

209.When is a person classified as a diabetic, after a fasting blood glucose concentration:
A.3 mmol/dL
B.6 mmol/dL
C.7 mmol/dL
D.8 mmol/dL
E.10 mmol/dL

210.Drugs used for graves disease
A. Iodine
B. Methimazole and propylthiouracilv
C. Methotrexate

211.Which drug is used as a DMRD (Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug)

212.Which disease is the cause of depletion of acetylcholine
C.Rye syndrome

213.Which drug acts by the receptor level blockade of leukotrienes

214.Which is an HMG-Co A reductase inhibitor:

215. Which of the following is aldosterone anatgonist

216. The inventory and merchandising are part of store management. The major economic reason for low inventory:
A.Internal theft
B.Money locked in over stock
C.Product expired soon
D.External theft

217. Secondary causes of Parkinson’s include:
III. Phenothazine
A.I only B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

218. Celecoxib:
A.antiplatelet aggrigator
B.Cox1 inhibitor
C.CoxII inhibitorv
D.Both Cox I and Cox II inhibitor

219. What are the long term side effects of using oral contraceptive pills
II. Ovarian cancer
III.Breast cancer
A.I only B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correctv

220. Chronic bronchitis causes:
III.Respiratory tissue inflammation
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correctv

221.Mechanism of action of allopurinol
I.Blocks uric acid reabsorption
II.Disrupts urate deposition
III.Blocks Xanthine Oxidase
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

222.Which provides 100% bioavailability

223. Cardiac glycosides exert their activity by inhibition of an integral plasma membrane protein known as:
A- Na+ion channel
B-Na+/K+-ATPase. v
C-Potassium ion channel
D- Na+/H+-ATPase.

224. Sulfonamide conjugation
I.Phase II reaction
II.Phase I reaction
III.Cytochrome P450 activated microsomal reaction
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

225. MINOXIDIL: A prodrug which must be conjugated with ….to form the active drug. Minoxidil is potent renal vasodilator and stimulator of renin release.
A. sulfate

226. 2 tab tid pc means:
A.2 tablet 3 times daily before meals
B.2 tablets 3 times daily after meals
C.2 tablets 3 times daily as needed
D.2 tablets 3 times daily every morning

227. 1 po q4-6h prn pain means:
A.Take 1 tablet every 4-6 hours as needed for pain. v
B.Take 4-6 tablets every 1 hours as needed for pain.
C.Take 1 tablet every 4-6 hours with milk
D.Take 1 tablet every 4-6 hours with juice
E.Take 1 tablet every 4-6 hours every other day

228. If a 600 ml of a 15% (v/v) solution of methyl salicylate in alcohol are diluted to 1500 ml what will be the percentage strength.

229.How many mL of a 1:500 (w/v) stock solution should be used to make 4 liters of 1:2000 (w/v) solution?
A.500 ml
B.1000 ml
C.2000 ml
D.1500 ml
E.100 ml

230. You need to mix syringes filled with 1g cefazolin in 20ml diluent. Your stock solution contains 200mg cefazolin/ml. How much stock solution needed.
A.10 ml stock solution + 10 ml of D5W to make 20 ml in each syringe.
B.5 ml stock solution + 15 ml of D5W to make 20 ml in each syringe.  
C.10 ml stock solution + 20 ml of D5W to make 20 ml in each syringe
D.10 ml stock solution + 30 ml of D5W to make 20 ml in each syringe

231. Sclerotic plaques found in brain is seen in which disease
C.Cystic fibrosis
D.Multiple sclerosis

232. How does losartan functions:
I.Angiotensin (AT-1) receptor blocker
II. Angiotensin (AT-1) receptor agonist
III.Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitor
A.I onlyv B. III only C.I and II only D. II and III only E. All of the above are correct

233. Aldrosterone secreted in:
A.Adrenal cortex
B.Adrenal medulla
D.pitutory gland

234. Which barbital is the quickest acting and can cross the BBB
A, Amobarbital,

235. Pancuronium
A.Depolarizing NMJ blocker
B.Non depolarizing NMJ blockerv
C.irreversible acting cholinomimetics
D.cholinergic agonist

236. Sciatic nerve are found in;
B.All foot branchesv
D.Hip joints

237. Which is hormone that acts on the cell membrane
A. Testosterone
C. Insulinv
D. Estrogen

238. Which is the most recognized side effect of acetaminophen
A. Ototoxicity
B. Hepatic necrosisv
C. GI disturbances
D. Disulfiram like reactions

239.Which of the following drug structure contain tertiary amine functional group;

240. Incase of left ventricular failure blood pour in:
A. vena cava
B. aorta
C. upper chest area
D. Lungv

241. Embolism is caused by:
A. Obstruction of nerves
B. Obstruction of blood vessels
C. Bulging of arteries and veins
D. Blockade of systemic circulation
E. Lack of oxygen supply

242. Which of the following antineoplastic used in rheumatid arthritis
A. Vincristine
B. Doxorubicin
C. Methotrexate
D. Mefloquin

243.What is good choice of antihypertensives in diabetic patients
A.Thiazide diuretics
C.ACE II inhibitors
D.Potassium sparings
E- a-blockers

244. All of the following are penicillinase resistant antibiotics EXCEPT:
A. Cloxacillin
B. Oxacillin
C. Carbinicillin
D. Dicloxacillin
E. Nafcillin

245.Ischemia can be treated by
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

246.Ethyl alcohol drug interaction with
II.Tricyclic antidepressants
III.Chloral hydrate
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

247. What is Point-of-Sale (POS) system?
I. Combination of computer software, hardware and cash register that capture product information at time of sale or when its is received into inventory.
II. Provide accurate information more promptly overstocks and out-of-stock situations can be reduced through early detection.
III. Which makes it possible to scan products on scanning counters or hand held scanners.
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

I.Related to theophylline (Xanthine base)
II.Peripheral vasodilator (enhance oxygenation)
III.Improve flexibility or red blood cells and improve blood ability to flow.
A.I only
B. III only
C. I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

249. Which of the following is NOT a side effect of spironolactone.
A. GI disturbances and diarrhea
B. Hirsutism
C. CNS effect and confusion
D. Hypokalemiav

250. Which of the following is NOT used sublingual.
C.Isosorbid dinitrate
D. Lorezapam (ativan)

250. Maximum of amount of codeine dispensed without prescription
II.20 mg/30ml
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E.All of the above are correct

251.Arsenic antidote
C.Edate sodium
D.Edate calcium

252.What is the most sedative TCA’s

253.Which of the following can cause elevated serum digoxin concentrations.

254, Determine the half-life of furosemide if it appears to be eliminated from the body at a rate constant of 49% per hour.
t1/2 =0.693k
A.1.4 hours
B.1.5 hours
C.1.6 hours
D.1.7 hours

255. Which of the following routes of administration is/are least likely to be influenced by the first pass effect;
II. Inhalation
III. Oral
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E.All of the above are correct

256. Which of the following used in maniac bipoloar disorder
C lithium therapy
D.Both TCA’s and SSRI’s

257. Clofibrate
I.reduce plasma concentrations of triglycerides and cholesterol in patients at high risk of coronary heart disease.
II. lowers cholesterol synthesis and lowers VLDL & HDL levels.
III.Increase cholesterol synthesis and increase HDL levels.
A.I only B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

258. What is normal healthy person renal clearance:
A.200 ml/min
B.120 min/hour
C.120 ml/min
D.200 ml/hour
E-130 ml/min

259. The profit obtained from good sold has not increased but inventory stock decreased. The reason could be:
A.Goods sold in bulk
B.Purchased from distributor but not from wholesaler
C.Shrink (internal or external theft)
D.Goods not sold

260. Normal cholesterol level;
A.150-270 mg/dL
B.130-230 mg/dL
C.230-300 mg/dL
D.300-400 mg/dL
E.<160 mg/dL

261. What can be used with narcotics in depressed cancer patient;

262. Episodic cough or wheezing is called.
I. Asthma
II. Emphesema
III. Chromic bronchitis
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

263. Which of the following is not expected to be a side effect of levodopa therapy?
D.mania/paranoid psychosis  

264. The molecular structure of the most muscarinic antogonist contain a specific heterocyclic ring which is best described as an:
  1. aniline and piperazine rings.
B aniline and pyrrolidine rings. C pyrrolidine and piperazine rings. D. pyrrolidine and piperidine rings.

265. In organ transplant the rejection is due to;
I. Infiltration of T cells
II. Infiltration of B cells
A.I only
B.III only C.I and II only
D. II and III only E. All of the above are correct

266.The invention of biotechnology include:
I.Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA)
III. Recombinant DNA technology
A.I only B. III only C.I and II only D. II and III only E. All of the above are correct

267.The Sabin vaccine is superior to the Salk vaccine because:
I.It can be administered orally
II.It is more effective
III.The effect of Sabin vaccine is longer than the Salk vaccine
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

268. Koplik’s spots are associated with
D.Chicken pox

269. Which of the following is NOT a lymphoid organ
A.Tonsils and adenoids
B.Lymph nodes
C.Bone marrow

270. Vericella is:
I.Chicken pox
II.Small pox
A.I onlyv B. III only C.I and II only D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

271.The chemical basis of heredity is:

272. Bacteriophages are

273.Antibody is chemically

274. Interferons are:
I.Biological response modifiers
II.Used in cancer treatment
A.I only
B. III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

275.Which of the following is the most prevalent immunoglobulins in the body

276.Which of the following is/are live viral vaccine
I.Oral typhoid vaccine
II.Influenza vaccine
III.Oral polio vaccine
A-I only
B-III only
C-I and II only
D- II and III only
E-All of the above are correct

277.Interferon is a protein produced by the:

278.Immunization against measles usually employs:
A.measles taxoid
B.Gamma globulin
C.a live attenuated virus
D.Live bacteria

279.Gray patches on the tonsils or mucus membranes of the nose and throat are associated with:
D.German measles

280.Which of the following is NOT a platelet aggregate inhibitor

281.The major amount of white blood cells:

282.Antisense I.A piece of DNA producing a mirror image ("antisense") messenger RNA that is opposite in sequence to one directing protein synthesis.
II. Antisense technology is used to selectively turn off production of certain proteins
III.Antisense technology is used in production recombinant DNA
A.I only
B-III only
C.I and II only
D- II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

283. Retrovirus: I.A virus that contains the enzyme reverse transcriptase.
II.This enzyme converts the viral RNA into DNA, which can combine with the DNA of the host cell and produce more viral particles.
A.I only
B.III only
C.I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

I.Synthesis of messenger (or any other) RNA on a DNA template.
II. The agent (e.g., plasmid or virus) used to carry new DNA into a cell.
III. The transplantation of living organs, cells or tissues from animals into humans.
A.I only
B-III only
C-I and II only
D- II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

285.What is (define) pharmaceutical care?
I.Pharmaceutical Care is to optimize the patient's health-related quality of life, and achieve positive clinical outcomes, within realistic economic expenditures.
II.Pharmaceutical is the component of pharmacy practice
III. Pharmacists in partnership with patients and other health care providers, use their unique knowledge and skills to meet patients’ drug related needs and to achieve positive patient outcomes by maintaining or improving the patient’s quality of life.

A.I only
B-III only
C-I and II only
D- II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

286.To achieve the pharmaceutical care?
I.Pharmacist must establish professional relationship and maintained
II.Patient specific information must be collected, organized, recorded and maintained
III. The pharmacist reviews, monitors, and modifies the therapeutic plan as necessary and appropriate, in concert with the patient and healthcare team.
A.I only
B-III only
C-I and II only
D. II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

287. Which of the following is the most effective communication skills.
A. Listening
B.Listening and speaking
C.Verbal and writing skills
D. Writing skills

288. Assertive skills
A.How much we stand up for our own and how much consideration we have for others. v
B. Boldly insist that your needs are met
C.Assertive people create unpleasant atmosphere that other people want to avoid.
D. Their lack of confidence or inability to voice their opinion forces them to agree to anything or to let important information go unsaid.

289. AAeerroossoollss aarree ddeeffiinneedd aass::
AA..ccoollllooiiddaall ssyysstteemmss ooff vveerryy ffiinneellyy ssuubbddiivviiddeedd lliiqquuiidd oorr ssoolliidd ppaarrttiicclleess ddiissppeerrsseedd iinn aanndd ssuurrrroouunnddeedd bbyy aa ggaass.. v
B.Colloidal systems of very finely subdivided liquid or solid particles dispersed in and surrounded by liquid
C.Colloidal systems of very finely subdivided liquid or solid particles dispersed in and surrounded by solid
D.Colloidal systems of very finely subdivided gas particles dispersed in and surrounded by liquid or solid.

290. RRuubbbbiinngg AAllccoohhooll:: CCoonnttaaiinnss aabboouutt 7700%% ooff EEtthhyyll AAllccoohhooll bbyy vvoolluummee,, uusseedd iinn
II.. EExxtteerrnnaallllyy ffoorr bbeeddrriiddddeenn ppaattiieennttss..
IIII.. GGeerrmmiicciiddee ffoorr iinnssttrruummeennttss
IIIIII.. SSkkiinn cclleeaannsseerr pprriioorr ttoo iinnjjeeccttiioonn
A.I only B. III only C.I and II only D. II and III only E. All of the above are correct

291. How to use intranasal sprays or pumps.
I. Hold your head in an upright position
II. Close one nostril with one finger
III. With the mouth closed, insert the tip of the spray or pump into the open nostril. Sniff in through the nostril while quickly and firmly squeezing the spray container or activating the pump.
A.I only B. III only C.I and II only D. II and III only E. All of the above are correct

292. Emergency contraception regimens are two doses of oral contraceptive tablets. The first dose is administered;
A.Within 4 days of unprotected intercourse, the second dose is taken 2 days later
B Within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse; the second dose is taken 12 hours later.
C.Within 48 hours of unprotected intercourse; the second dose is taken 12 hours later.
D.Within 24 hours of unprotected intercourse, the second dose is taken 12 hours later.

293. If the pharmacist becomes aware that a child (any one under the age of 19) has been physically harmed, sexually abused or sexually exploited by a parent or other person, the pharmacist must report these circumstances to:
A.The parents
B. The appropriate provincial authority

294. The pharmacist upholds and acts on the ethical principle that the primary accountability of the pharmacist is to the patient, with respect to:
I. Patient confidentiality
II.Involvement of the patient in the decision-making process, and the right of the patient to make their own choices.
III. The patient's well-being is at the center of the pharmacist's professional and business practices.
A.I only B. III only C.I and II only D. II and III only E. All of the above are correct

295.Define Delegation?
A.In a larger operation, the pharmacy owners delegate certain supervisory responsibilities that include store manager, assistance manager, head cashier and head cosmetician. v
B.Delegation is problem of beyond managerial growth.
C.Delegation is each employee responsibility would be accountable to his or her supervisor.
D.Delegation is a staff requirement assessment

296.What is function of High Efficiency Particulate Air filter?
A.To remove particles
B.To maintain temperature
C.To maintain humidity
D.To remove fine bacterial contaminants
E-To maintain air flow

297.Define Pharmacoeconomics
A. Cost of illness and pharmaceutical services and products.
B.The description and analysis of the costs of drug therapy to healthcare systems and society
C.Cost of pharmaceutical services and products.
D.Price determination of pharmaceutical services and products

298. What is the Canada Health Act?
I.The Canada Health Act is Canada’s federal health insurance legislation.
II.The Act sets out the primary objective of Canadian health care policy:
III. The Canada Health Act establishes criteria and conditions related to insured health care services and extended health care services that the provinces and territories must meet in order to receive the full federal cash contribution under the Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST).
A.I only
B-III only
C-I and II only
D- II and III only
E. All of the above are correct

299.Pharmacy manager who puts certain rules and expects his subordinate to follow them without exception;

300. Which of the following prevents withdrawal symptoms and helps reduce drug cravings in opioid dependent individuals.

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