Exercise # 24

Exercise # 24

Q1. Patients with asthma have the following characteristics
a) hypertrophy of smooth muscle
b) airway inflammation
c) denuded airway epithelium
d) microvascular leakage
e) all of the above

Q2. What are the major contributing factors
  a) Inflammatory cells
  b) Airway obstruction
  c) Hyper responsiveness
  d) Airway inflammation
  e) All of the above

Q3. Early asthma response is caused by( several minutes)
          a) Mast cells
          b) Non allergic factors
          c) Aspirin
          d) Viral infections
          e) None of the above

Q4. Late asthma response ( 4-8 hrs) caused by
          a) Persistent airflow obstruction
          b) Airway inflammation
          c) Bronchial hyper responsiveness
          d) Bronchial hyperreactivity
          e) All of the above

Q5. Signals that are in late asthma include
          a) Lymphocytes
          b) Esinophils
          c) Neutrophils
          d) a,b
          e) none of the above

Q6. Eosinophilic chemotactic factor is
          a) inflammatory mediator
          b) smooth muscle relaxation
          c) relieves asthma
          d) all of the above
          e) none of the above

Q7. Clinical evaluation of asthma is charecterised by
a. shortness of breath
b. tachypnea and tachycardia
c. Chest tightness
d. Wheezing
b) all of the above

Q8. FEV values in mild asthma is
a) 50- 80% of normal
b) 50 % of  normal
c)< 50 % of normal
d) <25% of normal
e) none of the above

Q9. What is provocation test
a) test with histamine
b) test with methacholine
c) test bethanachol
d) test with atropine
e) A and B

Q10.Pulse oximetry means
a) assessing hypoxia( SaO2)
b) measuring oxygen
c) measuring CO2
d) measuring spirometry
e) all of tha above

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